Post-Award Services

Sponsored programs are projects originating from financial agreements between the University and external sponsors that provide support or stimulation to accomplish a particular objective related to the mission of the University. The Sponsored Programs Accounting Office, as part of the Controller's Department at Iowa State University, provides post award services to ISU researchers, administrative offices, and sponsors. We offer the following services:

  • Establish account numbers for spending
  • Collect funds from sponsors
  • Issue payments to subcontractors
  • Advise on sponsor regulations and fiscal allowability
  • Prepare financial reports as required by sponsors
  • Provide training on post award administration
  • Verify cost sharing and effort reporting


Effort reporting is a process required by the federal government to verify that direct and indirect labor charges and cost share efforts to federally sponsored projects are reasonable and reflect actual effort performed. On February 1, 2011, Iowa State published a formal effort reporting policy that details effort reporting and certification requirements available in the Policy Library. This policy and the corresponding requirements were published in response to an Internal Audit recommendation and the results of some very high profile audits by the Office of Inspector General (OIG).
The Uniform Guidance (2 CFR Part 200 Subpart E) Cost Principles for Federal Awards is the regulation that guides the allowability of costs on federal awards. 2 CFR 200.430 sets forth the criteria for acceptable methods of charging salaries and wages to federal awards. The regulation requires institutions to have a system of internal control which provides reasonable assurance that salary charges are accurate, allowable, and properly allocated. Effort certification is the university's means of providing this assurance of effort to sponsors.
Prior to July 1, 2019, paper effort certification forms were completed and the distribution of those forms was handled by Sponsored Programs Accounting. This process will be discussed in the section labeled "ADIN Effort Certification Process". Within this process an EASE form was completed to confirm paid effort percentages performed on federal and state sponsored projects and the cost-shared effort on any sponsored projects.
During this time the effort reporting process classified the various types of activities in which employees participated. This reporting process was also used for the following purposes:

  • Quantification of faculty and staff effort for reports mandated by the State through the Office of Institutional Research
  • Allocation of research space by Facilities, Planning and Management

After July 1, 2019, effort certification confirmations will be electronically routed and confirmed to fulfill Iowa State University's effort certification requirements within 2 CFR Part 200. That process will be discussed in the section labeled "Workday Effort Certification Process". In this process an effort certification form is electronically routed within Workday to confirm the effort performed on federal and federal flow-thru sponsored projects from which salary was paid as well as cost-shared effort on any federal and federal flow-thru sponsored projects.
This effort certification process will no longer be utilized for the reports mandated by the State through the Office of Institutional Research or the allocation of research space by Facilities, Planning and Management. Those needs will be addressed through other means. This effort certification may also be used to capture effort that needs to be capitalized for projects at Iowa State University.

These procedures are to be followed when faculty members or researchers will be leaving ISU and wish to sell or transfer equipment items purchased by ISU to their new employing institution.

This manual provides general instructions and procedures for ISU departments to use in controlling and managing US Government-owned property held by ISU. US Government-owned property includes both US Government-furnished property and property acquired by ISU where the title vests with the US Government.

The grant questionnaire that is to be completed and attached to JE’s for changes to original charges that occurred on an award.

This version of the ISU Costing Policy was created to ensure University wide compliance with awards falling under the provisions of Uniform Guidance.

The PI Costing Guide was created for PIs as a summary of the UG ISU Costing Policy for awards falling under the provisions of Uniform Guidance.

This version of the ISU Costing Policy was created to ensure University wide compliance with awards falling under the provisions of OMB Circular A-21.

The Sponsored Programs Allowability and Appropriateness Manual references how to know if expenses are allowable on sponsored programs at Iowa State University. 

The Sponsored Programs Procedures Manual references all post award financial management topics related to managing sponsor programs at Iowa State University. 


Sponsored Programs Accounting Staff

Staff work remotely. For assistance, contact an individual staff member or the office (515-294-4569,

Marcy Baker

SPA Accountant

McKinzie Briggs

SPA Accountant

Jenny Burrell

SPA Accountant

Sarah Byrd

SPA Accountant

Andrew Combs

SPA Accountant

Kendra Cranston

SPA Accountant

Maddie Eden

SPA Accountant

Marcus Johnson

SPA Accountant

Ying Li

SPA Accountant

Troy Nichols

Assistant Manager, SPA

Christi Patterson

SPA Accountant

Shona Roberts

SPA Accountant

Lisa Shoemaker

SPA Accountant

Jen Thompson

SPA Accountant

Ann Thurnau

SPA Accountant

Taylor Weiss

SPA Accountant

Calli Zimmerman

SPA Accountant

Directory and Hours

Operating hours, locations and contact information for all offices in the Controller's Department.